Saturday, September 1, 2012

Quick Personalized Gift Bag

I always only have Christmas wrapping paper. Never wedding, or birthday. The only time I buy wrapping paper is at Christmas time. So when it comes to birthday gifts I usually have to think outside the box. This morning I had a gift for my Mom that needed to be "wrapped". So here is what we did.

I took a typical canvas shopping bag. Now I could not very well just hand her the bag like this.

So I gave the girls a piece of paper and crayons and let them draw something for Nana.

After they were done I stapled the pictures to the bag. The only issue I can across was stapling the bottom of the pictures. I stapled through the bottom of the bag which didn't let the bag open properly. All I did was gently remove the staple from the bottom of the bag while keeping it intact to the front of the bag.

Not gorgeous but much more festive!

And what Grandma wouldn't want pictures drawn by her Grandbabies!

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